Every Day's a Good Day - Love, Peace and Harmony Album Notes Vol. 1

During my time teaching at Eagle School Intermediate (2009-20014), I was reunited with a former high school football coach of mine, Dennis Etherington. This time though, he was coaching and guiding me as my assistant principal.

Dennis, or Mr. E. as he is also referred, is a quick witted individual and has an endless supply of sayings for any situation. Sometimes when he shares one, he’ll leave the punch line dangling like a carrot in front of you. Eventually, he’ll let you in on the joke and while you’re in the middle of thinking it over, he’ll walk away just as you comprehend it and begin a laughing fit.

There was one particular phrase he used often though that didn’t contain it’s normal humor, it was more serious and had a philosophical undertone. On most days you could ask, “How’s your day today Mr. E?” and his response would come back, “Every day’s a good day. Some days are just better than others.” I distinctly remember hearing that for the first time because I was waiting for the punch line, but it never arrived. Instead, as I remember, we just stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before I said, “Ok, cool. Have a great morning.” Then I’m sure his response was something snarky, bringing me back to the Dennis I was used to.

But that saying stayed with me. It lodged into my long term memory and I would tell it to myself on the days that didn’t seem like they were going so well (I still use it!). Later, it became the muse for my song with the same title, “Every Day’s a Good Day!”

The song sings, “We can go sled riding in the snow, stomping through the puddles in the pouring rain, fly our kites when the winds blow, and in the sweltering sun we’ll run for the shade. No matter the weather, you can get your mind free because there’s joy in every day you meet. Just change your minds point of view and know that every day is a good day, remember some days are just a little better than others.”

Think a little differently today!

With love, peace, and harmony,


Tony Martirano